Which cloud services are supported?

Notes currently supports multiple cloud services to synchronize your data, but Dropbox is the recommended and best supported option.

Cloud serviceSupported in app?Supported on web?Remarks
Google DriveYesNo
WebDAV (ownCloud, Synology, …)Yes (Since version 10.0)Yes (Since version 1.6)⚠️ See Supported WebDAV software.
Microsoft OneDriveNoNoOneDrive APIs do not offer enough functionality to work with Notes’ synchronization.
Amazon DriveNoNoNot often requested.
MegaNoNoNot often requested.

Why are not all cloud services supported?

  • Not all services offer functionality Notes requires to properly synchronize (like “delta” changes of the entire data set).
  • Some APIs are too convoluted and take too much time to implement or are not requested often, making implementation not worth the effort.

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